Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First one

This sounds so ohhhh nerdy, but it is actually my first post on my own blog.
Am excited with all the luxury of being able to write whatever I want without worrying about who's reading, as nobody will know that I am who I am.
It's such an extraordinary feeling of freedom - you have no idea!
I can complain about my boss, my job, I can post my thoughts, my ideas and if I am criticized... I don't care as Girl around the world is who I am now.
Cool, isn't it?
Of course I will let some super-uber reliable mates to read my stuff. I don't want just to be another girl without readers...
Anyway - I will post in English, Portuguese and try Spanish sometimes.
Hope you all enjoy entering my world of thoughts and ideas.
Cool, cool, very cool!
Let me concentrate and try to post something good now.
Cheers everyone xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous Fabi!!! Inspirador e fashion! Já vou colocar nos meus favoritos e dar uma olhadinha sempre que o Théo deixar, rsrsrsr. Beijos, beijos
